How long would you wait around for something to be ready for you to use?
3 minute read time / 385 words
An easy way to fail to do something you're legally required to do!
3 minute read time / 353 words
You've just realised that you've got a legal requirement to make your site or service accessible. But what does that even mean?
3 minute read time / 413 words
Sometimes you don't need to use an <img> to get an image, and sometimes it's better not to
5 minute read time / 580 words
Click here for more information. Lolz.
3 minute read time / 415 words
How to best markup your links when sending people away from your site
6 minute read time / 783 words
A collection of random writings, thoughts, musings, rants, technical bits and pieces, advice, and occasional waffling.