Proper websites, done properly

He ain't heavy, he's my... erm, website?

6 minute read time / 696 words

Learn how slimming down your website can save you cash and help the planet at the same time.

Let's chat about the internet and why your monstrosity of a website might be more troublesome than you might think. Those huge pages filled to the brim with images and videos? Those fourteen different fonts? All that JavaScript!? This isn't just costing you more; it's costing everybody. Heavy websites are killing the planet.

The internet's carbon footprint

Imagine every time you send an email or watch a funny cat video, or use that favourite GIF another time or two there's a bit more energy being used. That energy mostly comes from electricity, which can lead to carbon emissions if it isn't from renewable sources. Data centres gobble up electricity like a champion at a hot dog eating competition. The bigger and heavier your site, the more energy it's using, and the larger its carbon footprint.

Why heavy websites cost more

Running a bulky website isn't just bad for the environment; it's also a drain on your wallet. Websites that are overloaded with unnecessary content use more bandwidth and server resources, leading to higher hosting fees and energy bills. Plus, slow websites are like slow bar staff – people will just head elsewhere.

Benefits of a lightweight website

  • Save Energy: Slimming down your website means it uses less energy, which is good for the planet and your peace of mind.
  • Lower Costs: Lighter websites use fewer resources, so you won't be spending as much on hosting and running costs.
  • Better User Experience: Faster websites keep visitors happy, like a pub with quick service. No one likes waiting around.
  • SEO Boost: Search engines love fast websites. Speeding up your site can improve your rankings and bring in more visitors, like word-of-mouth for your local chippy.

Make it greener

  • Optimize Images and Media: Use the right formats and compression to keep file sizes down without compromising quality. Lazy loading helps by only loading images when they're needed, much like getting a fresh pint when your glass is empty.
  • Trim Down JavaScript and CSS: Cut out the unnecessary bits and minify your code to reduce file sizes. Asynchronous loading can prevent scripts from slowing down your page, like avoiding traffic jams.
  • Write Efficient Code: Keep your code clean and efficient, like a well-organised toolbox. Avoid redundant code and use smart algorithms.
  • Use Caching: Browser and server-side caching can save energy by reducing the need for repeated data retrieval, like keeping your brew warm in a flask.
  • Choose Green Hosting: Go with hosting providers that use renewable energy or have carbon offset programmes. Check out sites like The Green Web Foundation to find eco-friendly hosts.

Handy tools for a greener web

  • Website Carbon Calculators: Use tools like the Website Carbon Calculator to measure your site's carbon footprint and get tips on reducing it.
  • Green Hosting Checks: Services like Green Web Foundation can show you which hosts are using green energy.
  • Image Optimisation Tools: Tools like TinyPNG, ImageOptim, and SVGOMG help shrink image sizes without losing quality.
  • Code Minifiers: Tools like UglifyJS and Lightning CSS can minify your JavaScript and CSS files. (Minification removes all the whitespace from a document, and uglification changes the words used to make them smaller but still work the same... just harder for a human to understand!).
  • Performance Testing Tools: Tools like Google PageSpeed Insights and GTmetrix offer performance analysis and improvement tips, like a personal trainer for your website.


Making your website lighter and faster isn't just about better performance; it's about being kind to the planet too (in the process saving you money as well!). Sustainable web design isn't just the right thing to do, it also leads to lower costs, happier users, and a healthier environment. For more on sustainable web design, check out this guide.

It's easy to make a positive impact on the web and the world by just doing that little bit more to ensure we're not overloading our sites with weight we can't continue to sustain.